Below is just one of the controversies I came across in search of experiments replicating Galton's experience which so far has found one reported Dutch example.
Essentially the below concludes that Galton's experiment was as described. However there is no reference to any replication of the experiment to confirm the theory.
James Surowiecki starts his book The Wisdom of Crowds telling how Francis Galton in 1907 used a crowd to guess an ox’s weight:
Galton borrowed the tickets from the organizers and ran a series of statistical tests on them Galton arranged the guesses (which totaled 787 in all, after he had to discard thirteen because they were illegible) in order from highest to lowest and graphed them to see if they would form a bell curve. Then, among other things, he added all the contestants’ estimates, and calculated the mean of the group’s guesses. That number represented, you could say, the collective wisdom of the Plymouth crowd. If the crowd were a single person, that was how much it would have guessed the ox weighed. … The crowd has guessed that the ox, after it had been slaughtered and dressed would weigh 1,197 pounds. After it had been slaughtered and dressed, the ox weighted 1,198.
David Levy and Sandra Peart say Surowiecki got it all wrong. Galton did not [AT FIRST] even bother to calculate a mean, as he saw his data was clearly not normally distributed. He used the median (of 1207), which was much further off than the mean, but by modern standards clearly the better estimator.
It was Karl Pearson in 1924 who calculated the mean.
(Line crossed out, and [clarifier] added later.)
It was Karl Pearson in 1924 who calculated the mean.
(Line crossed out, and [clarifier] added later.)
This description of what Galton did with the guesses misrepresents what Galton actually did. Galton was clear that the distribution of guesses was not normal, writing that "The abnormality of the distribution of the estimates now becomes manifest, …” (Galton 1907b, p. 451). Surowieki has replaced Galton’s statement with the claim that Galton "graphed them [the guesses] to see if they would form a bell curve" – allowing the remaining possibility that the guesses might be normal. Galton’s principled opposition to the mean as the voice of the people, which Pearson supplemented by the use of the mean, is now described as Galton’s use of the mean. Finally, the reported estimate of the vox populi has been changed from 1207 to 1197.
Several authors, "Sunstein (2006, p. 24), Solomon (2006), Caplan (2007, p. 8)", copied Surowiecki’s
[VERSION], and several recent papers have argued about how close prediction market prices are to mean beliefs. The original Galton paper can be found reprinted in Levy and Peart’s book Vanity of the Philosopher and online.
[VERSION], and several recent papers have argued about how close prediction market prices are to mean beliefs. The original Galton paper can be found reprinted in Levy and Peart’s book Vanity of the Philosopher and online.
Added: In the comments, Surowiecki says Levy and Peart are very wrong: Galton did too mention the mean, when responding a few weeks later to a letter that mentioned the mean. He cited this letter in his book footnotes. Hopefully we can get Levy and Peart to respond.
Added: Here are Surowiecki’s comments and Levy and Peart’s responses in full:
seems to substitute for actually being careful," and yet they were somehow unable to figure out how to spell "Surowiecki" correctly. The article is a parody of itself.
(wittingly or unwittingly) [and] become part of a process by which errors are diffused." But there’s no false information here, and no diffusion of errors, which rather demolishes their thesis. If they really want to write a paper about how "experts" pass along false information, they’d be better off using themselves as Exhibit A, and tell the story of how they managed to publish such incredibly shoddy work and have prominent economists uncritically link to it.
(wittingly or unwittingly) [and] become part of a process by which errors are diffused." But there’s no false information here, and no diffusion of errors, which rather demolishes their thesis. If they really want to write a paper about how "experts" pass along false information, they’d be better off using themselves as Exhibit A, and tell the story of how they managed to publish such incredibly shoddy work and have prominent economists uncritically link to it.
would like to offer a more detailed personal apology than what we’ve
jointly posted before. When I failed to find Galton’s mean, in spite of
your sufficient directions, I should have asked you directly for help.
From these two failures of mine, and because Sandy trusted my work, we
were led to the wrong conclusion that your account of Galton’s mean was
false instead of the right conclusion that your account was simply
different than our accounts of Galton’s median. If the
accounts are merely different then we have many ways of asking which of
the two estimators one might prefer. We began that helpful exercise. We
did not stop there. When we said that your account was false, and asked
a rhetorical question of how this came to be, we called into question
my own intentions. We also wrongly called into question the care which
scholars took in citing your work.